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Critical speed n over stroke length axis LST

Deflection w over unsupported axis length LAW under payload

Lc Longueur totale de chariot 220 mm
B Espacement des capteurs 35 mm
C Espacement des capteurs 98 mm
E Position finale si zéro mécanique 50 mm
F Position finale si zéro mécanique 25 mm
LT Longueur totale LT = LST + 325 mm
Caractéristiques de contrainte
Fydynmax Force maximale 2896 N
Fzdynmax Force maximale 3628 N
Mxdynmax Couple maximal 28 Nm
Mydynmax Couple maximal 240 Nm
Mzdynmax Couple maximal 191 Nm
z Arête supérieure chariot – milieu du guidage 57,4 mm
Données techniques générales
vmax Vitesse max. 0,5 m/s
amax Accélération max. 15 m/s²
Fx_max Force d’avance max. 1989 N
Ma_max Couple d’entraînement max. 3,44 Nm
Charge utile standard 25 kg
Longueur totale maximale 3286 mm
Répétabilité ± 0.02 mm
Ix Moment d’inertie géométrique du section transversale 431907 mm⁴
Iy Moment d’inertie géométrique du section transversale 539706 mm⁴
Type de guidage QEH15CA
Cdyn Capacité de charge dynamique 12530 N
C0 Capacité de charge statique 15280 N
Diamètre nominal de vis 15 mm
Pas 10 mm
Jeu axial 0,02 mm
Cdyn Capacité de charge dynamique 10800 N
C0 Capacité de charge statique 18300 N
Valeurs mécaniques caractéristiques
Masse du chariot 1,15 kg
Masse si course 0 3,41 kg
Masse par mètre de course 5,88 kg/m
Jrot. Couple de masse inertielle si course 0 0,19 kgcm²
Jrot. Moment d'inertie de la masse par course de 1 m 0,39 kgcm²
Couple de marche à vide si course 0 0,27 Nm
HIWIN spindle axes are available with two different carriage lengths depending on the size and dimensions of the load to be transported. In order to ensure ideal, reproducible alignment of the adjacent structure, each threaded hole has an additional bore hole via which the load capacity can be fixed with centring sleeves. The matching centring sleeves can be found in the accessories.

Motor connection and belt drive
The multi-part design of the motor/gearbox adaptation creates an extremely flexible drive interface for attachment and conversion of the drive technology. Optionally, the motor attachment can be rotated by 180° via a belt drive, which significantly reduces the total length. You can configure the suitable drive adaptation for your axis here.

Cover strip
The steel cover strip prevents dirt and dust from entering the axis interior. In addition, the cover strip allows the axes to be used in areas with coarse, sharp-edged or hot foreign bodies. The magnetic strips integrated in the axis profile hold the belt securely in position and increase the sealing effect.

Spindle support
In applications with long travel distances and high velocity, the critical speed of the shaft is quickly reached, meaning an appropriate support is required to prevent the shaft from swinging up. In HIWIN spindle drive axes, up to three travelling shaft supports can be installed on each side of the carriage. This allows driving at full speed, even with large strokes.

For convenient maintenance of the linear axis, a separate grease nipple is fitted to the left and right of the carriage for each lubrication point. This ensures optimum accessibility for relubrication, even under difficult installation conditions. For further information on lubrication and maintenance, please refer to the assembly instructions.

Spindle lead
The integrated HIWIN ballscrews ensure precise positioning thanks to their high pitch accuracy and rigidity. Different shaft pitches are available for each size in order to optimally meet the requirements for feed force and dynamics.
Spindle lead

Désignation N° de référence Description  
Stop buffer Ø10x10, M4x6 cylindrical 25-000056 Anschlagpuffer  
Désignation N° de référence Description  
Magnetleiste HM060/080/120/HT100 L=7,5m 25-000543 Magnetleiste  
Désignation N° de référence Description  
Limit switch, 4 m cable (NC) 25-000787 Endschalter  
Désignation N° de référence Description  
Adapter set CPN HM060 – KK40 25-001626 Adapter für Mehrachssystem  
Adapter set CPN HM060 – KK50 25-001627 Adapter für Mehrachssystem  
Adapter set CPN HT150 – HM060 25-001610 Adapter für Mehrachssystem  
Adapter set CPN HT200 – HM060 25-001611 Adapter für Mehrachssystem  
Adapter set CPN 2×HM060 – HM040 25-001595 Adapter für Mehrachssystem  
Adapter set CPN 2×HM060 – HM060 25-001596 Adapter für Mehrachssystem  
Adapter set CPR HT150 – HM060 25-001570 Adapter für Mehrachssystem  
Adapter set CPR HT200 – HM060 25-001571 Adapter für Mehrachssystem  
Adapter set CPR 2×HM060 – HM060 25-001562 Adapter für Mehrachssystem  
Adapter set CPR 2×HM060 – HT150 25-001565 Adapter für Mehrachssystem  
Adapter set CCN HM060 – KK40 25-001638 Adapter für Mehrachssystem  
Adapter set CCN HM060 – KK50 25-001639 Adapter für Mehrachssystem  
Adapter set CCN HT150 – HM/HC060 25-001584 Adapter für Mehrachssystem  
Adapter set CCN HT200 – HM/HC060 25-001585 Adapter für Mehrachssystem  
Désignation N° de référence Description  
Clamping prof.short HM/HT size 6(4 pcs.) 25-000518 Spannprofil  
T nut HM/HT size 6 M5 pu 10 pcs. 20-000530 Nutenstein  
T nut HM/HT size 6 M6 pu 10 pcs. 20-000531 Nutenstein  
Centring sleeve 8h6 pu 10 pcs. 25-000511 Zentrierhülse  
Groove cover HM/HT size 6 L=2m pu 5 pcs. 25-000515 Nutabdeckung  
Désignation N° de référence Description  
Gear ring size 14 for HM060S/HT100S 25-000203 Zahnkranz  
Désignation N° de référence Description  
Strip deflection Set HM060B/S 25-000619 Bandumlenkung  
Désignation N° de référence Description  
Coupling housing for HM060S 25-000306 Kupplungsgehäuse  
Désignation N° de référence Description  
Damping element set HM 25-000785 Bedämpfungselement  
Désignation Catégorie Produit Taille Langue
Axes à vis HM-S, HT-S Instructions de montage Systèmes mono & multi-axes 4 MB
Axes linéaires et systèmes d’axes HX Catalogue Systèmes mono & multi-axes 13 MB
Axes linéaires HM, HT, HB, HD Fiche de projet Systèmes mono & multi-axes 285 KB
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HIWIN HX: One axis family – countless possibilities
An innovative design, two designs, three drive types and countless possibilities. The bendable HIWIN HX axis system offers the right solution for your ideas.
Installation of the limit switches and adjustment of the switching distance for HIWIN linear axes
The limit switches or additional reference switches are quick and easily to install in HIWIN linear axes, and positioning is continuously variable. The switching distance to the damping element can be set easily using a feeler gauge. We’ll show you how in this video. Tools/Equipment recommendation: - 6-edged offset screwdriver set, feeler gauge, scale, assembly instructions.

Cover strip change in a linear module HM-B
The cover strip can be changed quickly and easily in the HIWIN HM linear modules. We’ll show you how in this video. Tools/equipment recommendation: 6-edged offset screwdriver set, cut-resistant gloves, permanent marker, bracket, tin snips, lint-free cloth, assembly instructions.